As per the suggestion in Kevin's article I'm also using a USB to serial converter rather than using the GPIO pins directly. I got this from Amazon UK (
This worked just by plugging it into the Raspberry Pi and is accessible probably as:
The instructions on Kevin's page are really comprehensive so I wont repeat them here. The only mistake I made was in connecting the GPS breakout to the serial.
The coloured cables from the USB to serial are:
Black GND
Green TXD
White RXD
Everytime I do something with serial I do this wrong, and it is completely logical I just seem to do it wrong every time! The TXD from the USB to serial needs to connect to the RX on the GPS breakout. I've put a picture below. Sorry the cables for TX and RX are both yellow, it doesn't help with the understanding but it's all I had.
Once you get it all working, on the Raspberry Pi if you run
cgps -s
you should see output something like this:
However, what we really need is to be able to access this information from the Python program created earlier. In order to do this Kevin has another article with examples
Based on these examples, my updated code is:
# coding=UTF-8
import pygame
import sys
import datetime
import gps
def draw_borders(screen):
"""Draws some simple borders to the display"""
pygame.draw.lines(screen, (255, 255, 255), False, [(0, 30), (width, 30)], 2)
def draw_time(screen):
"""Draws the time to the display"""
the_time =
time_as_string = the_time.strftime('%H:%M')
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 42)
text = font.render(time_as_string, 1, (255, 255, 255))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=screen.get_width()/2, centery=15)
screen.blit(text, textpos) # paste the text into the background
def draw_speed(screen, the_speed):
"""Draws the speed to the display"""
# get the speed...
if the_speed:
the_speed_string = '{} kph'.format(int(the_speed)) # display as whole number
the_speed_string = '-- kph'
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 160)
text = font.render(the_speed_string, 1, (255, 255, 255))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=screen.get_width()/2, centery=screen.get_height()/2)
screen.blit(text, textpos) # paste the text into the background
def draw_altitude(screen, the_altitude):
"""Draws the altitude to the display"""
if the_altitude:
the_altitude_string = '{} m'.format(the_altitude)
the_altitude_string = '-- m'
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 65)
text = font.render(the_altitude_string, 1, (255, 255, 255))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=120, centery=screen.get_height()-20)
screen.blit(text, textpos) # paste the text into the background
def draw_temp(screen):
"""Draws the temperature to the display"""
the_temp = 0
the_temp_string = u'{}°C'.format(the_temp)
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 65)
text = font.render(the_temp_string, 1, (255, 255, 255))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=screen.get_width()-80, centery=screen.get_height()-20)
screen.blit(text, textpos) # paste the text into the background
if __name__ == '__main__':
size = width, height = 650, 400
black = 0, 0, 0
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
# set up gps if possible
gps_session = gps.gps("localhost", "2947") | gps.WATCH_NEWSTYLE)
speed = None
altitude = None
while True:
# Checks for key presses, e.g. escape to quit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: sys.exit()
# Fill the screen with black background
# get GPS data
gps_report =
altitude_temp = gps_report.get('alt')
speed_temp = gps_report.get('speed')
# need to do this temp stuff otherwise it flickers
# back to '--' if gps is temporarily lost
if altitude_temp:
altitude = altitude_temp
if speed_temp:
speed = speed_temp
# Draw all the stuff
draw_speed(screen, speed)
draw_altitude(screen, altitude)
# Update the display
And the output:
I haven't been able to test the speed yet until I get a battery pack, but you can see that the altitude has been updated.
It is also worth looking at the other details that are stored within the gps_report variable. The Python dictionary keys are in italics.
longitude lon
latitude lat
time time
altitude alt (m)
speed speed (kph)
climb climb (m/min)
heading track (degrees) (I think)
Might be able to add more of this information in later.
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